Can you print over seams, zippers or pockets?


It is possible to Screen print over seams, but it's not something that we recommend. The seam causes an uneven surface which causes the ink to apply to the fabric unevenly. If you must print over a seam, we may have to restrict you to the use of certain ink types to achieve the best results.

It is also possible to embroider over seams in some garments, depending on the type of seam and the location. However, as embroidery is more rigid than most fabrics, it will impact the drape and how the fabric rests against against your body. Clockwise does not recommend embroidering over the seam, if possible.

It is not possible to digitally print over a seam.


We have special platens that allow us to Screen Print over the zippers on Zip-up hoodies, but the surface is still not even and zipper construction varies so the results aren't always as hoped or expected. We recommend that you incorporate a gap into your design of 0.75", which is enough space to not be hitting the zipper or the seams on either size with the print.

If an over-the-zipper look is imperative for your design, please reach out to us at so we can help you get the best results possible.

It is not possible to embroider or to digitally print over a zipper.


It is possible to screen print on a pocket, but we are limited to a maximum of 3.5" x 3.5", garment permitting.

It is possible to embroider on pockets, but only on items like backpacks. Regardless, in most cases, we can do an area no larger than 3" x 3", since our equipment must be able to fit in the area to be able to embroider it.